Friday, July 10, 2009

Change in life

Readers of may have noticed that I'm not there anymore. A mixture of business and personal pressures caused me to reevaluate my priorities. I find that I have to focus on my marriage if I am to save it. The decision was easy. Even though the Hollywood Obituary column was a passion for me, and has allowed me to communicate with thousands of great people around the world, the time devoted to the research and writing took away time needed by my wife and children.

Though I'm not real happy with the format change with the obits at EInsiders, I am letting them keep the archives posted. As time allows, I will also post the archives here.

Any one who has written to me through the e-mail address in the past few weeks can now contact at atty (at) aol (dot) com. My e-mails have been cut of from the website.

Thanks again for you years of loyal readership.


  1. I'm glad to have found your blog! I really enjoyed reading about your family and friends in addition to the obits.

  2. Thank you for your loyal and respectful ways that you have helped us all to learn about all of these talented people that have gone on. I can only imagine the time it took to keep up what volume that you did over the years. Blessings and prayers go to you as you see how God wants you to prioritize your life from now on. My father in law, Dallas McKennon (Gumby, Disney voice actor...) just died three days ago and had looked forward to him notice being added to your blog..but you have blessed many for's time that you be blessed...
    Thank you, Aletha McKennon

  3. Rusty you will be missed! I have enjoyed reading your posts mainly because they have been so full of love, respect and admiration for those that are no longer with us. I want you to know how much I have appreciated your personal updates and having you in my prayers throughout the years. May God continue to bless you and your lovely family.

  4. I'll miss your posts. Glad to know you'll still be around, posting in this forum. All the best to you and yours!

  5. I really miss your Hollywood obits/site! I hope you'll think about doing it again when the time is right. Best wishes to you and your family!

  6. Wow – sad I know but only just realised you’re not at e-insiders any more! I noticed something was distinctly different about the e-insiders post and curious to know what happened, and thanks to Google, here I find you.

    Like the comments posted here, your blend of sensitivity, respect and opinion I find just right.

    Best wishes with the future to you and your family and I hope that all that needs fixing, gets fixed, if that makes sense.

    I eagerly await the return of Mr Rusty White…

  7. I am a loyal reader of your writings and following your updates from month to month over the years has been, well I have no words to describe. but I would like to thank you for all the time and heart you put into your posts.
    every word was read, every word soaked in.
    Thank you.

  8. Rusty
    I want to thank you for the kindness in the way you handled the deaths' of so many.
    I also want to show support for your decision. Although you did a wonderful job in supporting those families whose loved ones passed on, you need to be there for your family. They are still living. I mean no disrespect to those families you've helped, but I would hate for you to have spent so much time paying tribute to the dead, while your life passed you by.
    God Bless!

  9. When and where are you returning with your obits and observations?? I cannot find another source as thorough and insightful as what I used to see in your postings. I hope you'll find a new venue that will not demand as much time away from your family.

  10. You will be missed. Your family must come first. Thank you for the respect you have shown over the years to the memories of the deceased entertainment members. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you!

  11. You've meant so much to so many people (including myself) in ways you'll never know. I appreciate you and everything you've done at einsiders. The new format doesn't have as much heart as your obits did. Enjoy your time with your family!
