Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rats, The

The Rats (2002 (made for TV))
Movie rating: 3/10
DVD rating: 5/10
Release Date: Oct. 15, 2002
Running Time: 1 hour 34 minutes
Rating: R
Distributor: Fox
List Price: $26.98
Disc Details
Special Features:  Widescreen anamorphic format
Chapter selection
Featurette: "Wild on the Set: The Rats"
Video Format: Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1)
Languages: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
English (Dolby Digital 2.0)

Subtitles: English, Spanish.
Captions: Yes
Casing: 1-Disc Keep Case

"The Rats" was a made for TV movie produced for FOX TV. This DVD version includes a nude scene before the opening credits. Other than that scene, the movie could have been rated PG. "The Rats" has a high gloss look and some good scenes, but it is strictly low rent, grade z horror.

I'm a horror movie fan, but I found nothing in this movie worth recommending. If you want sex, there is none. If you want gore, look elsewhere. If you want good acting, rent "Hamlet." If you want to see 100,000 rats blown to hell and gone in a swimming pool then watch the last few minutes of this movie.

"The Rats" stars Madchin Amick and Vincent Spano. Who did you expect, Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep! Let's see...hordes of genetically altered rats are laying siege to New York. Posh store employee Madchin Amick hires hunky exterminator Vincent Spano to kill the rats so her store's rich shoppers can continue to have cappuccino as they shop for diamonds and furs. Several folks get eaten. Eventually, the exterminator turns into an explosive pied piper and kills the pesky vermin. The End. Yawn. Go rent "Willard" instead.

The Disc
Lame movie. Good picture and sound. One extra. Way over priced. Move along now, there's nothing to see here.

Picture Quality: 8/10
The movie had very good production values. To bad there are no other values (think script, acting, direction) on display. No artifacts. Some delineation problems during the film's darker scenes.

Sound Quality: 7/10
The sound tracks aren't that bad. Too bad there is nothing to hear worth hearing.

Menu: 4/10
Lame menu design. Still frames. Easy to navigate.

Extra Features: 3/10
There is a 10 minute featurette from the "Animal Planet" network dealing with the trainer of the lovable rodent movie stars. The featurette was the only thing worth while on the disk, except the naked chick (Kim Poirier) in the dressing room during the film's opening scene!

There are trailers for this movie and several Brian De Palma films.

The Final Word:
I wonder how many times I could get this DVD to skip across a pond?

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